Betrayal Trauma/Infidelity

1307162564Infidelity is betrayal. Full stop.

Your partner has betrayed you; you are in shock and disbelief that the person you trust most in the world could hurt you this deeply. Now, you are in emotional upheaval and feel a sense of profound loss – not knowing where to go next.

It could be one affair or the discovery of systemic infidelity that has been going on for years behind your back. Maybe this is something you have experienced in your past, and you can now not trust a new potential partner that has come into your life.

Infidelity creates a distinct and specific kind of pain. I get it. Let me support you in this challenging exploration to help you rebuild your life and start a new one.

“I can’t breathe.”

Infidelity can take your breath away.

You have discovered your partner has had an affair or multiple affairs, engaged with sex workers, or has a pornography addiction. Whatever the reason, the shock of discovering infidelity is a traumatic experience.

In the moment of discovery, your partner may feel a sense of relief from all the hiding and deceit and may even come to terms with significant out-of-control sexual behavior and know they need help. It is all hands on deck getting them the help they need.

Betrayal ImgBut what about you?

They begin to heal at that moment, but that betrayal shatters your entire world. The betrayal can hit many levels: vows, monogamy, friendship, health, and finances.

At Empowered Intimacy, I can help you negotiate this pain and try to understand what just happened. I can help with your feelings of isolation because you cannot tell your friends and family what happened out of shame or embarrassment at your partner’s behavior.

Should you stay or should you go? Should you tell or keep this private? Therapy can help you find answers to these questions.

Getting support from a place of empathy, compassion, empowerment, and grace can fortify your strength at this time in your relationship.