Individual Therapy for Women

Adobestock 228148450“Who am I now?”

There is a reason that you are here. There is a voice that says, “I know I need some help.” You feel like you don’t know who you are sexually; you want to connect intimately with your soul, your existing partner, or, just maybe, a new one.

You are finally ready to explore that part of yourself. You want to understand what keeps stopping you from having the kind of intimacy and sex you want.

Exercising, buying creams and serums, and listening to empowerment webinars convey an implicit idea that we want to do more than survive; we want not only to age well but thrive in ways we never dreamed were possible.

If you want more for your life but are in midlife and experiencing fear and imposter syndrome, I can help you identify what is holding you back.

Remember – Life is finite.

Your journey will end, but you have decades of life left before that happens. How do you want to live during this precious time? This question is one we must dare to ask ourselves.

Based on our accomplishments up until now, we thought we were supposed to know the answer. However, there are moments when we question if we’ve accomplished enough, making us wonder what comes next.

We might think we are too old to dream. But the reality is that we are always too young to stop.

PexelsIt’s never too late to realize your dreams.

In this place, you find answers to your questions.

When you receive a safe space to truly investigate who you are, how you feel, and why you make your decisions, you find the freedom to explore the most precious part of life – YOURSELF.

Discovering who you are now is the ultimate in the self-care you need and deserve. You are ready to learn – YOU, without the voices and messages of your family of origin, spouse, faith, and community.

Authenticity and absolute pleasure are what you search for, along with happiness and life satisfaction. I will hold a space for you to find that person you know has always been there, challenge you, and guide you as the desire for what you genuinely want is revealed and achieved.

Here’s how we will work together.

We will look at your present, past, and future to fully understand who you are, where you came from, and what you want out of life.

You are unique! No one has had the same life experience that you have had; therefore, I use an eclectic mix of evidenced-based psychological modalities uniquely calibrated to you.

Through Internal Family Systems, we will understand that different parts of you are neither good nor bad but are there to help you survive the world. Attachment Theory will help you look at how your primary caregivers affected the way you negotiate relationships in your life now. Using strength-based modalities like Solution-Focused Therapy, we will discuss the vision for what you want out of life and how we get you there.

Discover who you are now and who you want to be. Let me take this journey of discovery with you.

Call me today for more information on how I can help.